Взрыватель ракеты
Используйте свою мышь, чтобы нацелиться и выстрелить в ракеты, которые летят через экран. Это может потребовать, чтобы некоторая практика, рассчитывающая выстрелы
Необходимые изображения (Zip File)
JavaScript Games: Взрыватель ракеты
<!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL ROCKET BLASTER: 1. Save the entire first HTML page as rocket-blaster.html 2. Paste the second code into your page to open the game 3. Download the game images and upload them to your server --> <!-- STEP ONE: Save the entire first HTML page as rocket-blaster.html --> <html> <head> <style type = "text/css"> .basic {position:absolute; visibility:visible; top:-3000px;} </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <! > <! > <!-- Begin var yoffset = 20; // pixels from top var isNS = (document.layers); var _all = (isNS) ? 'outer.document.' : 'all.' ; var _style = (isNS) ? '' : '.style' ; var _visible = (isNS) ? 'show' : 'visible' ; var py = 0, px = 0, xoffset, loaded = false, obj = new Object(); var target, field, rocket1, rocket2, rocket3, rocket4, rocket5, rocket6, bullet, explosion; var oktoshoot = false, bulletlevel, speed = 10, missed = 0, fired = 0, hit = 0, accuracy = 0; function init() { target = eval('document.'+_all+'target'+_style); field = eval('document.'+_all+'field'+_style); rocket1 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket1'+_style); rocket2 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket2'+_style); rocket3 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket3'+_style); rocket4 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket4'+_style); rocket5 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket5'+_style); rocket6 = eval('document.'+_all+'rocket6'+_style); bullet = eval('document.'+_all+'bullet'+_style); explosion = eval('document.'+_all+'explosion'+_style); resize(); if (isNS) { target.moveTo(300,0); } else { target.pixelLeft = 300; target.pixelTop = 0; } target.visibility = _visible; field.visibility = _visible; alert('INSTRUCTIONS:\n\n- Try to hit the rockets before they reach the other side.\n- Fire the "gun" a little ahead of time to compensate for distances.\n- Simply target the rockets with the mouse and then click to fire the gun.\n- Press the spacebar to pause the game.\n- Pausing the game also shows your full stats.\n- Look in the status bar to see how many rockets you missed.\n\nPress "Ok" to start....'); loaded = true; oktoshoot = true; dispmisses(); animate(); } function dispmisses() { status = "Rockets missed: "+missed; setTimeout('dispmisses()', 500); } function showstat() { accuracy = (Math.round(hit/fired*100)); if (isNaN(accuracy)) {accuracy = 0}; alert('Game Paused.....\n\nPress OK to continue..\n\nShots fired: '+fired+'\nRockets destroyed: '+hit+'\nShots missed: '+(fired-hit)+'\nRockets missed: '+missed+'\nShot accuracy: '+accuracy+'%'); } function testandmoveX(rocketN) { if (isNS) { rocketN.clip.left = -rocketN.left-speed; rocketN.clip.right = 500-rocketN.left; if (rocketN.left+speed>500) { rocketN.left = -60; if (rocketN.top != -3000) { missed++; } } else { rocketN.left+=speed; } if (rocketN.left == -60)rocketN.top = Math.floor(Math.random()*12)*20+30; } else { rocketN.clip = "rect(0px, "+(500-speed-rocketN.pixelLeft)+"px, 15px, "+(-rocketN.pixelLeft-speed)+"px)"; if (rocketN.pixelLeft+speed > 500) { if (rocketN.pixelTop != -3000) {missed++} rocketN.pixelLeft = -60; }else { rocketN.pixelLeft+=speed; } if (rocketN.pixelLeft == -60)rocketN.pixelTop = Math.floor(Math.random()*12)*20+30; } } function animate() { for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { testandmoveX(eval('rocket'+i)); } setTimeout('animate()',100); } function shootrocket(x,y) { fired++; bulletlevel = 4; bullettime(x,y); } function bullettime(x,y) { if (bulletlevel > 0) { if (isNS) { bullet.clip.width = bulletlevel*4; bullet.clip.height = bulletlevel*4; bullet.moveTo(x-(bulletlevel*2),y-(bulletlevel*2)); if (bulletlevel == 1) { for (r = 1;r <= 6;r++) { tr = eval('rocket'+r); if ( (bullet.top >= tr.top+2) && (bullet.top <= tr.top+9) && (bullet.left <= tr.left+57) && (bullet.left >= tr.left) ) { explosion.moveTo(tr.left,tr.top); tr.top = -3000; hit++; setTimeout('explosion.top = -3000', 400); } } } } else { bullet.width = bulletlevel*4; bullet.height = bulletlevel*4; bullet.pixelTop = y-(bulletlevel*2); bullet.pixelLeft = x-(bulletlevel*2) if (bulletlevel == 1) { for (r = 1; r <= 6; r++) { tr = eval('rocket'+r); if ( (bullet.pixelTop >= tr.pixelTop+2) && (bullet.pixelTop <= tr.pixelTop+9) && (bullet.pixelLeft <= tr.pixelLeft+57) && (bullet.pixelLeft >= tr.pixelLeft) ) { explosion.pixelLeft = tr.pixelLeft; explosion.pixelTop = tr.pixelTop; tr.pixelTop = -3000; hit++; setTimeout('explosion.pixelTop = -3000', 400); } } } } bulletlevel--; setTimeout('bullettime('+x+','+y+')',200); } else { (isNS) ? bullet.top = -3000 : bullet.pixelLeft = -3000; oktoshoot = true; } } function resize() { if (isNS) { xoffset = (window.innerWidth-300)/2; document.outer.moveTo((window.innerWidth-500)/2 , yoffset); } else { xoffset = (document.body.clientWidth-300)/2 document.all.outer.style.pixelTop = yoffset; document.all.outer.style.pixelLeft = (document.body.clientWidth-500)/2; } } function movetarget(evnt) { if (loaded) { if (isNS) { py = evnt.pageY-yoffset-59; px = evnt.pageX-xoffset+59; } else { py = event.clientY-yoffset-59; px = event.clientX-xoffset+59; } if ((py >= 0) && (py <= 241)) { (isNS) ? target.top = py : target.pixelTop = py; }; if ((px >= 0) && (px <= 441)) { (isNS) ? target.left = px : target.pixelLeft = px }; return false; } } function fire(mouse) { if (oktoshoot) { oktoshoot = false; (isNS) ? shootrocket(target.left+30,target.top+30) : shootrocket(target.pixelLeft+30,target.pixelTop+30) ; return false; } else { } } function reloadNS() { setTimeout('reloadNS_1()', 500); } function reloadNS_1() { window.location.reload(); } (isNS) ? window.onresize = reloadNS : window.onresize = resize; function getkeypress(keypress) { keyp = (isNS) ? keypress.which : window.event.keyCode; if (keyp == 32)showstat(); return false; } if (isNS) window.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS); if (isNS) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS); window.onkeypress = getkeypress; document.onkeypress = getkeypress; if (isNS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove = movetarget; if (isNS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); if (isNS) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown = fire; window.onmousedown = fire; window.onload = init; // End --> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#009090"> <script language="JavaScript"> var basic = 'visibility="visible" width="60" top="-3000" height="15"'; var txt = ''; if (isNS) { txt += '<layer name="outer" visibility="visible" width="500">'; txt += '<layer name="target" visibility="hidden" z-index="12"><img src="target.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="field" visibility="hidden" bgcolor="black" z-index="1" width="500" height="300"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="explosion" '+basic+'z-index="11"><img src="explosion.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket1" '+basic+'left="-460" z-index="4"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket2" '+basic+'left="-380" z-index="5"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket3" '+basic+'left="-300" z-index="6"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket4" '+basic+'left="-220" z-index="7"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket5" '+basic+'left="-140" z-index="8"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="rocket6" '+basic+'left="-60" z-index="9"><img src="rocket.gif"></layer>'; txt += '<layer name="bullet" visibility="visible" width="10" top="-3000" height="10" bgcolor="white" z-index="10"></layer>'; txt += '</layer>'; } else { txt += '<div id="outer" style="position:absolute; width:600px; height:300px">'; txt += '<div id="field" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; visibility:hidden; width:500px; height:300px; z-index:2; background-color:black;"></div>'; txt += '<div id="target" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:12"><img src="target.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="explosion" style="z-index:11;" class="basic"><img src="explosion.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket1" style="left:-460px; z-index:4" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket2" style="left:-380px; z-index:5" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket3" style="left:-300px; z-index:6" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket4" style="left:-220px; z-index:7" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket5" style="left:-140px; z-index:8" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="rocket6" style="left:-60px; z-index:9" class="basic"><img src="rocket.gif"></div>'; txt += '<div id="bullet" style="z-index:10; background-color:white; width:10px; height:10px; font-size:1px;" class="basic"></div>'; txt += '</div>'; } document.write(txt); // End --> </script> </body> </html> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Paste the second code into your page to open the game --> <BODY> <center> <form name="open-rockets"> <input type=button value="Play Rocket Blaster" onClick="window.open('rocket-blaster.html','rocketblaster','top=100,left=100,width=550,height=350');"> </form> </center> <!-- STEP THREE: Save the game images and then upload them to your web server --> <!-- URL: ../img/rocket-blaster/rocket-blaster.zip --> <p><center> <font face="arial, helvetica" SIZE="-2">Free JavaScripts <br> by <a href="http://">JavaScript </a></font> </center><p> <!-- Script Size: 9.26 KB -->