Случайное число
Компьютер будет думать о случайном числе между 0 и 49. Только угадайте это!
The number is:
You guessed:
JavaScript Games: Случайное число
<!-- TWO STEPS TO INSTALL RANDOM NUMBER: 1. Paste the first code in the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the last coding to the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste the first code in the HEAD of your HTML document --> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <! > <! > <!-- Begin var RNumber; var RTries; limit = 50; function Random() { today = new Date(); num = today.getTime(); num = Math.round(Math.abs(Math.sin(num) * 1000000)) % limit; return num; } function Init(){ RNumber = Random(); RTries = 0; document.FGame.Output.value='I am thinking of a number between 0 and ' + (limit-1) +' Guess it....'; document.FGame.Tries.value=RTries; document.FGame.HighLow.value=''; document.FGame.Input.value=''; } function Game(Number) { if(Number==RNumber) { RTries++; document.FGame.Output.value='You guessed it in ' + RTries + ' tries! It was ' + RNumber + '! Hit Restart to play again.'; document.FGame.HighLow.value='Got It!'; } else { RTries++; document.FGame.Output.value='Nope, ' + Number + ' is not the number I am thinking about!'; document.FGame.HighLow.value=(RNumber > Number) ? 'Higher!' : 'Lower!'; document.FGame.Tries.value=RTries; } } // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- STEP TWO: Add the last coding to the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <center> <FORM NAME="FGame"> <INPUT TYPE="txt" NAME="Output" VALUE="" Size="70"><br> <INPUT TYPE="txt" NAME="Input" VALUE='' Size="20"> The number is: <INPUT TYPE="txt" NAME="HighLow" VALUE='' Size="20"> You guessed: <INPUT TYPE="txt" NAME="Tries" VALUE="0" SIZE="3"> Times.<br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 1 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 1"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 2 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 2"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 3 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 3"><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 4 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 4"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 5 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 5"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 6 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 6"><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 7 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 7"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 8 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 8"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 9 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 9"><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="one" VALUE=" 0 " OnClick="FGame.Input.value += 0"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="DoIt" VALUE=" Try it! " OnClick="Game(FGame.Input.value); FGame.Input.value=''"><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="init" VALUE=" Start/Restart " OnClick="Init()"> </FORM> </center> <!-- Script Size: 2.75 KB -->