Картинная Память
Когда Вы готовы, начните тест памяти. Игра спросит Вас, где Вы видели части. См., можете ли Вы разобраться во всех 15
JavaScript Games: Картинная Память
<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL PICTURE MEMORY: 1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --> <HEAD> <!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL PICTURE MEMORY: 1. Save the entire first HTML page as picture-memory.html 2. Paste the second code into your page to open the game 3. Download the game images and upload them to your server --> <!-- STEP ONE: Save the entire first HTML page as picture-memory.html --> <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <! > <! > <!-- Begin N = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1); M = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1); Vis = new Array(); Vis[0] = (M) ? "hidden" : "hide"; Vis[1] = (M) ? "visible" : "show"; function GetDiv(divId,divY,divX,divW,divH,bCol,visb,zInd) { bkCol=(bCol!="")?((N)?" bgColor="+bCol:";background:"+bCol):""; DivTyp = (M) ? "<DIV" : "<LAYER" if (M) { Styl=" ID="+divId+" style='position:absolute;top:"+divY+";left:"+divX+";width:"+divW+";height:"+divH+bkCol+";visibility:"+Vis[visb]+";z-index:"+zInd+"'>"; } if (N) { Styl=" ID="+divId+" top="+divY+" left="+divX+" width="+divW+" height="+divH+bkCol+" visibility="+Vis[visb]+" z-index="+zInd+">"; } document.writeln(DivTyp+Styl); } function EndDiv() { (M) ? document.writeln("</DIV>") : document.writeln("</LAYER>"); } // End --> </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin corr = new Array(); gnum = 0; score = 0; ind = 0; for (rows = 0; rows < 3; rows++) { for (cols = 0; cols < 5; cols++) { ind++; corr[ind] = 0; eval("GetDiv('d"+ind+"',"+rows*100+","+cols*100+",100,100,'',1,0)"); document.write("<img src=Pic",ind,".jpg width=100 height=100 border=0>"); EndDiv(); eval("GetDiv('dvTop"+ind+"',"+rows*100+","+cols*100+",100,100,'',0,1)"); document.write("<a href='javascript:TestMe(",ind,")'><img name = Pix",ind," src=unknown.gif width=100 height=100 border=1></a>"); EndDiv(); } } GetDiv('Control1',300,0,400,100,'silver',1,0); document.write("<center><br>Study the picture above carefully then <a href='javascript:StartTest()'>start the test</a>.</center>"); EndDiv(); GetDiv('Control2',300,0,400,100,'silver',0,1); document.write("<center><br>Where did you see this image? --> <br><br><font size=-2>You can see your score by taking your cursor off<br>the images above and looking in the browse status bar</font></center>"); EndDiv(); GetDiv('TestPix',300,400,100,100,'',1,1); document.write("<img src=unknown.gif name=Tester width=100 height=100"); EndDiv(); function StartTest() { if (M) { eval("document.all.Control2.style.visibility = 'visible'"); } if (N) { eval("document.layers.Control2.visibility = 'show'"); } for (x = 1; x < 16; x++) { if (corr[x] == 0) { if (M) { eval("document.all.dvTop"+x+".style.visibility = 'visible'"); } if (N) { eval("document.layers.dvTop"+x+".visibility = 'show'"); } } } PickRandom(); document.Tester.src = "Pic"+picked+".jpg"; } function PickRandom() { chk = 0 while (chk == 0) { picked = 1+Math.floor(15*Math.random()) if (corr[picked] == 0) { chk = 1; break; } } } function TestMe(x) { gnum++; if (x == picked) { score++; corr[x] = 1; } if (M) { eval("document.all.dvTop"+x+".style.visibility = 'hidden'"); } if (N) { eval("document.layers.dvTop"+x+".visibility = 'hide'"); } if (gnum > 14) { alert("It's over! Score = "+score); for (x = 1; x < 16; x++) { corr[x] = 0; } if (score == 15) alert("And you win!"); gnum = 0; score = 0; window.close(); } setTimeout('StartTest()', 1000); } // End --> </script> </body> </html> <!-- STEP TWO: Paste the second code into your page to open the game --> <BODY> <center> <form name="open-picture-memory"> <input type=button value="Play Picture Memory" onClick="window.open('picture-memory.html','picturememory','status=1,top=100,left=100,width=550,height=450');"> </form> </center> <!-- STEP THREE: Save the game images and then upload them to your web server --> <!-- URL: ../img/picture-memory/picture-memory.zip --> <p><center> <font face="arial, helvetica" SIZE="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br> by <a href="http://">JavaScript </a></font> </center><p> <!-- Script Size: 4.40 KB --> <!-- Script Size: 4.62 KB -->