Зараженные бешенством коровы (Источник)
Играйте в очень юмористическую игру, вовлекающую трех говорящих коров.
See Demonstration
JavaScript Games: Зараженные бешенством коровы (Источник).(mad-cows.html)
<!-- FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL MAD COWS: 1. Put first coding into a new document, save as mad-cows.html 2. Put next coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-top.html 3. Put last coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-bottom.html 4. Save cow images and upload them to your web site directory --> <!-- STEP ONE: Put this coding into a new document, mad-cows.html --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Mad Cows</TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET ROWS = "250,*"> <FRAME SRC = "mad-cows-top.html#top" NAME = "topframe"> <FRAME SRC = "mad-cows-bottom.html" NAME = "bottomframe"> </FRAMESET> </HTML> <!-- Script Size: 0.61 KB -->
JavaScript Games: Зараженные бешенством коровы (mad-cows-top.html)
<!-- FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL MAD COWS: 1. Put first coding into a new document, save as mad-cows.html 2. Put next coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-top.html 3. Put last coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-bottom.html 4. Save cow images and upload them to your web site directory --> <!-- STEP TWO: Put next coding into a new document, mad-cows-top.html --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Mad Cows</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin last_cow = "none - nobody's spoken yet"; output = "nothing yet too " function makearray (x) { this.length = x for (var i=1; i<= x; i += 1){ this[i] = 0; } } cowa = new makearray (7); cowb = new makearray (12); cowc = new makearray (8); alastsaid = 0; blastsaid = 0; clastsaid = 0; var pageloaded = false; function speak(id,thecow,arrayel){ if (pageloaded == false) { return; } if (last_cow == id) { return; } arrayel += 1; if (arrayel > thecow.length) { arrayel = 1; } output = thecow[arrayel]; last_cow = id; if (id == "aaaa") { alastsaid = arrayel; } if (id == "bbbb") { blastsaid = arrayel; } if (id == "cccc") { clastsaid = arrayel; } window.parent.frames[1].document.open(); window.parent.frames[1].document.write('<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#AAAACC"><CENTER><H3>"'); window.parent.frames[1].document.write(output); window.parent.frames[1].document.write('</CENTER></BODY><HTML>'); window.parent.frames[1].document.close(); return; } function hereweare() { pageloaded = true; window.parent.frames[1].document.open(); window.parent.frames[1].document.write('<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#AAAACC"><H3><CENTER>'); window.parent.frames[1].document.write('"We\'re all here ! <BR> Place your mouse over us for <BR> incredibly intelligent dialog."'); window.parent.frames[1].document.write('</CENTER></H3></BODY><HTML>'); window.parent.frames[1].document.close(); return; } cowa[1] = "What do you make of this mad cow's thing ?"; cowa[2] = "It will all blow over... then they will eat us again. <BR> People have already started to forget about it." cowa[3] = "Remember the salmonella scare 6 years ago and people stopped <BR>eating eggs, even though they had eaten them all their lives ?<BR> Look how long that lasted."; cowa[4] = "It's all about economics and politics ....<BR> and us poor cows are the victims."; cowa[5] = "Anyway, what evidence do they have ?<P>Who is to say if we are crazy ? <P>Is there a special cow psychiatrist ?"; cowa[6] = "Oh dear - it's time for me to go have my nipples squeezed by some machine."; cowa[7] = "The things we do - we give them milk day in day out<BR>... and then they slaughter us."; cowb[1] = "It's all a load of bull if you ask me."; cowb[2] = "By the way, my name is Gertrude -<BR> all cows seem to be called this for some reason."; cowb[3] = "I think my neighbour's had a bit too much weed.<P> Oi, try the grass."; cowb[4] = "I'm starving : I could eat a horse. <BR>Never mind, I'll settle for a beefburger."; cowb[5] = "OK, whose cowpat did I just step in ? <BR>I thought we all agreed to do it in the chicken shed."; cowb[6] = "Cows know best when it comes to predicting the weather : <P>for example, you can expect increasing darkness tonight with <BR>it brightening up towards the morning."; cowb[7] = "Hey, it could be worse : you could be this old and still a virgin."; cowb[8] = "... and I thought I disappointed my father ? "; cowb[9] = "Roger me relentlessly with a red hot ramrod ....<BR> is that what they call alliteration ?"; cowb[10] = "Windows 95 was worse than being artificially inseminated ...<BR> and we should know."; cowb[11] = "Hey, don't miss Bill and Marc's excellent chat show -<BR> though we think they are less intelligent<BR> than us. The world seems to agree."; cowb[12] = "Bet this webpage really enriched your life, didn't it ? <P> Dont forget to Mail the webmaster and let him know you liked this !"; cowc[1] = "Oink oink oink, oink, oink, oink "; cowc[2] = "No tengo dinero pero ....<BR> Vamos a la playa, oh, oh, oh, oh,!"; cowc[3] = "Hey ... who are YOU calling mad buddy ?<BR> Look in a mirror first."; cowc[4] = "Eh man, pass it round, you know what I'm saying ?"; cowc[5] = "Oops upside my head , I said ooops upside my head. "; cowc[6] = "Da Da Da ....<P><FONT SIZE = 2> Prize winning lyrics from Germany.</FONT>"; cowc[7] = "You are not what you think. But what you think, you are."; cowc[8] = "Another marvellous use of Bandwidth. Long live JavaScript Source Code 3000 !"; // End --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="white" onLoad="hereweare()"> <A NAME = top> <CENTER> <A HREF="#top" onMouseOver="speak('aaaa',cowa, alastsaid); return true"> <IMG SRC="1.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="150" WIDTH="84"></A> <A HREF="#top" onMouseOver="speak('bbbb',cowb, blastsaid); return true"> <IMG SRC="2.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="150" WIDTH="84">></A> <A HREF="#top" onMouseOver="speak('cccc',cowc, clastsaid); return true"> <IMG SRC="1.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="150" WIDTH="74"></A> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- Script Size: 5.02 KB -->
JavaScript Games: Зараженные бешенством коровы (Источник) (mad-cows-bottom.html)
<!-- FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL MAD COWS: 1. Put first coding into a new document, save as mad-cows.html 2. Put next coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-top.html 3. Put last coding into a new document, save as mad-cows-bottom.html 4. Save cow images and upload them to your web site directory --> <!-- STEP THREE: Put coding into a new document, mad-cows-bottom.html --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Mad Cows</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#AAAACC" VLINK = "#A0A0A0" LINK = "#D0D0D0"> <CENTER> <H3>"We're coming! Please wait for all 3 of us to arrive. <BR> Sorry for the delay but the Network's a bit crowded <BR> and it is easy for us to get lost .... or distracted by <BR> alt.cow.binaries that we meet along the way."</H3> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- STEP FOUR: Save the images to your web site directory --> <!-- Script Size: 1.00 KB -->