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Микшер эмблемы
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JavaScript Микшер эмблемы
<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL LOGO FADER: 1. Copy the coding into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <a name="logoAnchor"> </a> <div id="logo" style="position:absolute;visibility:visible;"> <img name="logoIm" src="../img/logo-fader/logo-fader.gif" width=548 height=55> </div> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <! > <! > <!-- Begin function BrowserCheck() { var b = navigator.appName; if (b == "Netscape") this.b = "NS"; else if (b == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "IE"; else this.b = b; this.v = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); this.NS = (this.b == "NS" && this.v >= 4); this.NS4 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 4); this.NS5 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 5); this.IE = (this.b == "IE" && this.v >= 4); this.IE4 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 4') > 0); this.IE5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5') > 0); if (this.IE5 || this.NS5) this.VER5 = true; if (this.IE4 || this.NS4) this.VER4 = true; this.oldVer = (! this.VER5 && ! this.VER4) ? true : false; this.min = (this.NS || this.IE); } is = new BrowserCheck() var myLogo = (is.NS4) ? document.layers["logo"] : document.all["logo"].style; var logoWidth = (is.NS4) ? document.logo.document.logoIm.width : document.logoIm.width; var logoHeight = (is.NS4) ? document.logo.document.logoIm.height : document.logoIm.height; var halfHeight = logoHeight / 2; var windowWidth = (is.NS4) ? window.innerWidth - 16 : document.body.offsetWidth - 20; var halfWidth = logoWidth / 2; var cliplogoHeightor = (is.NS4) ? 'myLogo.clip.top = 0;' + 'myLogo.clip.right = right;' + 'myLogo.clip.bottom = logoHeight;' + 'myLogo.clip.left = left; ' : 'str="rect(0 " + right + " " + logoHeight + " " + left + ")";' + 'myLogo.clip = str; ' var clipLogoVert = (is.NS4) ? 'myLogo.clip.top = up;' + 'myLogo.clip.right = logoWidth;' + 'myLogo.clip.bottom = dn;' + 'myLogo.clip.left = 0; ' : 'str="rect(" + up + " " + logoWidth + " " + dn + " 0)";' + 'myLogo.clip = str;' var right = logoWidth, left = 0; var cnt = 0, up = halfHeight, dn = halfHeight, upDown; var logoWidth, logoHeight; // --------------- User modifiable variables ---------------------- //if useAnchorPosition is true logo will be positioned where you put the "logoAnchor" //set to false to center logo - also set myLogo.top to desired position var useAnchorPosition = false; // set to false to set your own logo position below if (! useAnchorPosition) { myLogo.left = ((windowWidth / 2) - (logoWidth / 2)); // centers logo - comment out if using line below //myLogo.left = 100; // remove '//' to set left position myLogo.top = 200; // sets logo top } var scrollInc = 5; // sets # of pixels to scroll in 1 time frame var scrollSpeed = 10; // sets the scroll speed // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrollLogo() { if (cnt == 0) { up-- ; dn++; if (up < -10) { right = logoWidth; left = 0; upDown = -scrollInc; cnt++; } eval(clipLogoVert); } if (cnt == 1) { right += upDown; left -= upDown; if (right < halfWidth-40) { right = halfWidth; left = halfWidth; upDown = scrollInc; cnt++; } eval(cliplogoHeightor); } if (cnt == 2) { right += upDown; left -= upDown; if (right > logoWidth+20) { right = logoWidth; left = 0; up = 0; dn = logoHeight; cnt++; } eval(cliplogoHeightor); } if (cnt == 3) { up++; dn--; if (dn < halfHeight - 10) { up = halfHeight; dn = halfHeight; right = logoWidth; left = 0; upDown = scrollInc; cnt = 0; } eval(clipLogoVert) } setTimeout("scrollLogo()", scrollSpeed); } if (! is.oldVer)window.onload = init; function init() { positionLogo(); scrollLogo(); } var L, T; var pos = (is.NS4) ? pos = document.anchors['logoAnchor'] : document.all['logoAnchor']; var posStr = (is.NS4) ? 'L = pos.x ; T = pos.y' : 'L = pos.offsetLeft; T = pos.offsetTop'; function positionLogo() { if (! useAnchorPosition) return; eval(posStr); myLogo.top = T; myLogo.left = L; } // End --> </script> <!-- Script Size: 4.44 KB -->